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Wednesday, November 30, 2016


By: Andi Agus Mumang, S.KM

Epidemiology is the branch of health science particularly in public health sciences. Theory about epidemiology definition was put forward by many experts, including:
  1. Last (1995), epidemiology has been defined as "the study of distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in the specified populations and the application of this study to control of health problem.
  2. Browson, Remington, and Davis (1993) provides a limitation that epidemiology is tools and methods used to describe several types of diseases or health events.
  3. MacMahon and Pugh (1970) defines epidemiology as a study of the distribution and determinants of disease incidence in people.
  4. Fletcher RH et al (1988) in his book "Clinical epidemiology: the essentials", explain the meaning of epidemiology as a scientific discipline of research that focuses on the distribution and determinants of disease in populations.
  5. Friedman, 1994, restrict epidemiology as a study of event or occurrence of disease in human groups
  6. Lilienfeld, AM (1980) in his book entitled "foundation of epidemiology" explained that epidemiology is very concerned at pattern of spread of the disease to the community and the various factors that influence it, so that the people of the epidemiology is very interested about the spread of that incident, according to time, place and person.
Based on the overall expert opinion related to the definition of Epidemiology above, then generally Epidemiology can be defined as a health study that focuses on the distribution and determinants of a disease that occurs in a population group / community based on time, place, and person. As for the limits of the definition about epidemiology:
  • Scientifically associated with the phenomenon of disease
  • There is a correlation between factor and disease or the outcome on population
  • Distribution and determinants of the spread of disease in the community
  • A science and an art that is associated with the incidence of disease
  • Epidemiology is concerned with environmental issues


Hadisaputro S, M Nizar, Suwando A. 2011. Managerial Epidemiology, theory and applications. Semarang: BP Diponegoro University of Semarang.

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