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Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Andi Agus Mumang, S.KM

Obesity also known as over Nutritional is a condition in which person's weight is not proportional to his/her height (W / H). Not propotional is mean that weight measurable heavier than weight according to height. This overweight is termed obesity. Obesity in the health world still being a fairly serious problem even really need to be a concern, especially in Indonesia. The incidence of disease complications due to obesity is not infrequently reported. Among them are heart disease. This degenerative disease is highly sensitive to attack obese people. In fact, not only of heart disease. Some of other degenerative diseases also appear triggered by the presence of obesity. In Indonesia, child obesity has also been plagued early age.
The prevalence of obesity in Indonesia, especially in children under five was 12.2% (Riskesdas, 2007). This figure is very substantial. If it is assumed that the proportion of children under five is 10% of the total estimated population of 230 million inhabitants, it obtained a figure of 3 million Indonesian children who suffer from obesity. Based on epidemiology science, determinants of obesity include the socio-economic conditions and the residence area / neighborhood. Middle and upper socio-economic conditions and residence located in area of ​​urban is being a factor that triggers appear cases of obesity. In addition, there are other causes of obesity in children. Obesity will also befall a child during pregnancy. Not infrequently found pregnant women bearing children weighing more than 4 kg. This is because the consumption patterns of mother during pregnancy excessively so affects to her weight and also her unborn baby. In addition, these conditions also worsened while child in growth . The wrong perception of mother regarding nutritional intake in children causes obesity. The general perception of mothers want their children are looked contain and plump. So it is encouraging mothers to stop breast-feeding her child and resorting to formula milk that is believed to be more potent provide instant impact. Even the lack of knowledge about child nutrition, making the most of the mother is not able to assess the condition of her child body proportionately. So that normal weight often considered insufficient. As a result, women are often not aware that her child condition already obesity.
The condition of obesity experienced by child often becomes a serious concern because there is possibility of becoming obese when adult age. Prof. Veny Hadju (Professor of Nutritional Sciences FKM UNHAS) said in a writing, that more than a third of children under five will be obese in their adult age. Surely, this must be addressed because it will be a very serious threat to the future of Indonesia. The thing will certainly regrettable in future by this nation is the emergence of successor generations with a wide range of degenerative diseases in their young age caused by obesity . So this would threaten the productivity of future generations and reduce life expectancy. Simultaneous impact would be felt primarily on economic growth and development of the nation and the state in the future. Here, the role of health experts especially nutritionist to always provide a significant contribution in the form of nutritional services to the community, particularly the mother. Early preventive action is the best solution to reduce the prevalence of obesity cases. Such measures may include nutrition education and nutrition services are integrated for mothers and children. The central role of the family, especially the mother is a key in realizing a prosperous family without obesity.

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