Facts About Cigarettes !!!
by: Andi Agus Mumang, S.KM
Smoking is still being a public health problem that's difficult to resolved. In fact, this issue has reached a position as a global problem with high pandemic level. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one billion people in the world consume a smoking and causing the deaths of more than 5 million people each year. WHO in 2005, put Indonesia in fifth ranked as largest cigarette consumer after China, the United States, Russia and Japan. Then, in 2008 in third ranked after China and India. it means there is increasing number of cigarette consumer in Indonesia from 2005 to 2008. The WHO also predicts that by 2030, the number of deaths in the world due to tobacco consumption will reach 10 million people annually.
Based on the National Socio-economic Survey (SUSENAS) in 1995, 2004, and 2010 in GATS (Global Adult Tobacco Survey), average number of smokers over 15 years was continued to increase. In 1995 amounted to 53.9%, in 2004 was 63.0% and in 2010 65.9%. This is in line with the results of the Household Health Survey (SKRT), where the prevalence of smokers over 15 years old increased from 58.3% to 63.2% in 2001 to 2004.
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2010 reported that approximately 34.5% of Indonesia's population are active smokers. Not much different from the Basic Health Research report (RISKESDAS) in 2010 that the smoking prevalence nationally is 34.7%. South Sulawesi province, based on the results RISKESDAS of 2010 data showed that the prevalence of population aged >15 years amount of cigarettes smoked per day is equal to 47.3% of cigarettes consumed 1-10 cigarettes / day, 46% (11-20 cigarettes / day), 2% (21-30 cigarettes / day) and 4.6% (> 30 cigarettes / day). This indicates that the population in that age, distributed from light smokers to heavy smokers.
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