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Tuesday, November 29, 2016


By : Andi Agus Mumang, S.KM
Public Health has multidisciplinary science coverage. That is, public health science consists of several disciplines, among others, includes the science of biology, medicine, chemistry, physics, environmental science, sociology, anthropology, psychology, science education, and so on. Based on some of the above disciplines, community health sciences in general in scope as follows:


Epidemiology comes from the Greek, namely (Epid = on, Demos = people, logos = science), thereby epidemiology is the study of matters relating to the community. Besides, epidemiology can also be interpreted as a study of the frequency and spread of health problems in a group of humans and the factors that influence health problems (Azrul Azwar).

Biostatistics / Health Statistics

Statistics used in health problems, include in the plan, application, evaluation, and monitoring.  Statistics are important because each recording health problems needed to make improvements. Additionally, biostatistics can be defined as a set of concepts and methods used to collect and interpret data on the health sector and draw conclusions in a situation where there is uncertainty and variation.

Environmental Health

The study of the study on the state of the environment and the efforts made to create a healthy environment. Environmental health can also be defined as the science and art of helping people make their optimal healthy lifestyle. Optimal health is defined as a balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual. This is not just changing lifestyles, but berkairan with changing environment is expected to be more supportive in making healthy decisions (HAKLI)

Public Health Administration

Public health administration is the science in the form of activities carried out jointly by utilizing the organization and management processes in its efforts to achieve the goal of health care as well as possible in order to reach the degree of public health as high.

Community Nutrition

Nutritional science is the study or review that is associated with health food. The science of nutrition covers ranging from procurement, selection, processing and presentation. Community nutrition dealing with malnutrition in the community where the community has a wide aspect, and should be treated as  a multisectoral.

Occupational Health

Occupational health in public health settings often associated with safety. So it has known as K3 (Occupational Health and Safety). K3 is a condition that occurs in a person in relation to the world or the place where he/she worked.  Such, an interruption of work due to a noisy workplace condition, skeletal muscle injury, fire hazards, and so on.

Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences

Science and art of helping people make their optimal healthy lifestyle. Optimal health is defined as a balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual. This is not just changing lifestyles, but it’s included by changing environment is expected to be more supportive in making healthy decisions.
Management of Hospital Administration (MARS)

Management of the hospital administration is the study of coordination between the various resources (management elements) through the process of planning, organizing, controlling the ability to achieve the purpose of the hospital. 

See also : Health and Healthy Concept, How to keep healthy living

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